History, Math And A Promise From The Global Elite: The Great Reset, October 24, 2021

Gold & Silver

In total global economic collapse, all retail stores will be closed within hours, and it will be out and out total social anarchy…

by Marshall Swing (full clickable links at Facebook post)

So, we had a Facebook OUTAGE on Monday lasting 6 hours. Billions of people were quite frustrated to say the least…

From a technological viewpoint and a personal viewpoint, I have opinions…

Technologically, I do not buy the narrative on the outage. No way the whole FB goes down, all over the world, for 6 hours, and critical network employees do not have access… We are being fed a bogus scenario! What did they plant on all their servers and in all their software during those 6 hours and how will it affect us?

Now for the personal viewpoint…

A new Torah friend in the town I live in sent me an email message just prior to the FB outage, yesterday. Otherwise I might not have known the FB outage until late yesterday after data sets aggregated and reporting changed slightly.

Later, in the early afternoon, I did a quick search on “facebook outage news”. The first post picture is what I found.
I moved my cursor over the interactive graph to the first outage data point and up popped 10:24

Needless to say, I was stunned.

Notice, NOW, you cannot even see the start of the outage because the graph datasets aggregated and now even the beginning is not viewable and also the time covered by the datasets is longer: https://downdetector.com/status/facebook/

A few weeks ago, in August or early September, I think, I GUESSED/predicted the Great Reset date of 10/24/2021
Why is 10/24 SIGNIFICANT in history?

Many, many reasons that very few people know about…

But I do…

Its my birthday and I love history and mathematics!

The square root of 1024 is 32.

Did you ever read Numbers 31:40 and see YHVH’s tribute was 32 persons?

Read over all those numbers in Numbers 31 and meditate on the scope of what transpired! it is staggering.
And my favorite chapter, of all, in the Scriptures, Deuteronomy 32 The Song Of Moses.

The book of Revelation contains direct quotes from 32 of the Hebrew books, more than any other book in the Scriptures.

Here are other instances of 32 in the scriptures:
In computing, 32 is a highly significant number for kilobytes as 32 squared is 1024 and 1024 is highly significant:
So, that is just a little taste for this number 1024.
And what about 10/24 in history?
And you thought WWII ended in 1945 with Germany’s surrender?
I was born exactly 5
years later, to the very day…
And October 24, 2021 will be exactly 6 years later than the same date in 2015, to the very day.

Might be something, might be nothing at all.

What else about Germany’s history on 10/24 ?

Why is Klaus Schwab of Germany calling all the shots?

It is a very interesting and conspicuous date in history:
Germany: https://www.historytoday.com/…/months…/treaty-westphalia
The Anniversary of the United Nations:

Might be something, might be nothing at all…

How do the evil globalist elite pick a date to unleash the worst global economic crash in history?

Throw a dart?

No, they love history and mathematical significance.

What a birth date, huh?

And NOW, it just happens to be THE DATE given Evergrande to make massive missed payments and other bond payments…


As you can clearly see, the Evergrande October 24 contagion has a way of spreading:

Tentacles everywhere!

Evergrande has 30 days to pay, from 9/24/2021

Might be something…

Might be nothing at all…

Either way, to not engage survivalist preparation for out and out total social anarchy NOW, is just nuts…
In a total global economic collapse:

All grocery stores will be closed within hours and may not open again for months.

All retail stores will close very quickly and stocks will not be replenished.

You will be very fortunate if you have electricity, heating gas, and running water.

Are you prepared?

Happy Birthday!



Was the Facebook outage a direct warning, from YHVH, for all my friends?

Get prepared for what we know for a fact is coming and then see if it happens on October 24, 2021 or very soon thereafter.

The global elite have promised it is coming and a total global economic crash is the only way they can pull off the Great Reset.

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