Gold & Silver

The truth is that whenever global wealth and its mega power becomes centered in a few hands, then independent businesses and entrepreneurs…

by David Bryan author of Two World Systems

Destiny for humans is not a compromise, there are two totally different worlds and we choose one or the other. One world, provides assured freedom and a guarantee of prosperity from the binary with the prolific Universe. The other world is oppressive tyranny from all the mean, miserable and perverse ideology-isms that seek to dictate every aspect of our lives. “All truths are easy to understand when they are discovered, the point is to discover them.”  –  Galileo


The clutches of genetic engineering are a prime example of tyranny from global corporatism. It is obvious that the sun, is the binary that sustains the ecology of the planet. In a natural cycle, one seed from a tomato will produce a plant that generously and prolifically produces sustenance. It can easily produce several hundred delicious fruit and at the same time it will provide several thousand more tomato seeds. Anyone with a flower pot or perhaps enterprising and has several thousand pots to plant, can freely have this beneficial fresh produce and if required add more with each new season. In what amounts to a totally mean, miserable perversity of wanting to control the naturally prolific ecological cycle. The seeds in a genetically modified plant are deliberately made sterile and so cannot reproduce to provide a new generation of sustenance. The depravity of global corporatism is that it wants to control all wealth on the planet.  Introducing a new DNA to sterilize the natural cycle, has meant farmers are obligated to buy patented GMO seed for the next crop. Poisoning our bodies with chemicals, is proven to have dramatically reduced the western male sperm count by more than 50% in the past ten years. Poisoning the land, birds, bees and tiny insects is to undertake everything that is considered immoral, yet we compromise on our values and are deadly silent. If the humble earthworms were destroyed, the entire ecosystem and all life on the planet would cease. If corporations, central banks, politicians and military ceased to exist, the diverse ecology would be prolific and most probably our bank balances, our immune systems and the quality of our lives would be considerably healthier.


The clutches of social engineering is a prime example of the totally mean, miserable perverse ideological obsession by a few people, that want to control or dictate all human life on the planet. The reality is civilization is centered solely on the family unit and the ethics of family values. The family unit of father, mother, sons or daughters, grandparents, etc., is the correct binary that ensures the whole of society has an assured calm stability and perpetually renews. Orwellian lockdowns, DNA vaccines, vaccine passports, face masks and promoting perpetual fear are a very mean, miserable perversity against the innocent. The introduction of vaccine passports are part of the technocratic plan to put our social credits onto a blockchain. Without a vaccine passport, we will no longer travel from home unchecked or be permitted to commercially interact. The unthinkable outcome is that exactly the same as happens with GM plants, the injection of a new DNA into human cells, will affect the natural cycle and the ability to procreate children with the seed of our own natural DNA. In creating GM plants the result of deliberately introducing the new DNA into a genetically healthy plant, is to make the seeds of the next generation sterile. Even when it encompasses the next potential generation, family is the binary in life that connects with emotional energy. It may not always be considered to be emotionally perfect, yet the family is our most precious and important binary in life. To have a completely stable, happy, prosperous and civilized society, does not require the perverted depravity of a billionaire elite to determine our food, politics, internet, work conditions or interfere with our human biology. The intrusions and tyranny that come from the elite in the form of pandemic engineering, genetic engineering, social engineering, financial engineering or military engineering are immoral and completely insulting to our intelligence, yet we are submissive and compromise the future of humanity!


The clutches of financial engineering is the prime example of the mean, miserable perverse obsession by central bankers to permanently rig markets and impose economic controls that benefit a few with monstrous wealth. Our freedom to engage in commerce depends on the economic sphere. When choosing the sovereign binary to be used for money, gold is indestructible and accepted as monetary wealth everywhere in the world. Gold bullion in the treasury is a fully accountable sovereign asset that belongs to the people. It has existed as stable monetary wealth to provide currency for several thousands of years. As gold is physically indestructible and maintains value over time, it provides the powerful binary which binds people to activities and structures that ensure they have lasting prosperity. Prosperity which is wealth, health and happiness should be the most basic sovereign right available to everyone. Prosperity is clearly not accomplished, by the despicable central bank use of debt as the binary to pump trillions that fund the new world order of corporate governance, which serves to empower the privileged few. It is preposterous to believe that prosperity can be achieved because for the purpose of barter, trade decides to use over hyped technocratic crypto currencies, digital tulip bulbs, hi-tech virtual sea shells, euros, yen or some other invented form of magical finance. Sustainable prosperity is solidly grounded in reality and comes from the binary of wealth, held in the nation’s treasury, to provide capital that is sovereign to everyone “of the people, by the people, for the people”.  The store of gold bullion in the treasury can be added to, it can be revalued and most important it has the dual pre-requisite of being stable physical wealth that can be traded on its own merit or as wealth to back the nation’s currency.

Sustenance, company, commerce, the assurance of freedom and the guarantee of prosperity are the outcome from the extraordinary binary of the sun, family and gold. Clearly we do not require much else in life. We have no need for corporations, we do not need political interference and we do not need central banks. In fact ideologies are a complete nonsense. They inequitably favor a few with extreme wealth, power and privilege and ruin everything else that they touch. To use a proverb quoted by Copernicus: “There is no medicine for the bite of a parasite”.


Since 1971 when we came off the gold standard, monetary engineering has ensured that the privately owned central banks have issued unlimited crony money which is concentrated in the hands of a few people or corporations. The truth is that whenever global wealth and its mega power becomes centered in a few hands, then independent businesses and entrepreneurs are unable to compete. In a recent video Gerald Celente of Trends Research Institute has estimated that 6% of Americans are self employed. Their research has also estimated that due to pandemic engineering, 225 million people are unemployed. When a great many people do not have work, or funds to repay their debt or pay rent. The depravity of the ideology of private owned central banks is to print the money for corporations or billionaires to buy up distressed mortgages. Central banks make the rich richer, while across the nation many millions of families lose their homes and livelihoods. A few billionaires have made mega fortunes based on these ideologies and now they perversely want to dictate the future destiny of humankind. “Nations are not ruined by one act of violence, but gradually and in an almost imperceptible manner by depreciation of their circulating currency, through its excessive quantity.” Nicolaus Copernicus 1473-1543


Health, wealth and happiness for all and not just monster money for the few is the state of utopia, or enlightenment which can be described as nirvana. Considerate Buddhist principles are careful not to inconvenience or harm others. The pure genius of the extra extraordinary proven science and the economic monetary theory of Copernicus and Galileo are assured to create an enlightened world of health, wealth and happiness.

However health, wealth and happiness for all, requires the supreme virtue of human empathy. In a mean, miserable, perverse ideological world with opportunistic politics, the monstrous avarice of global corporatism, the human butchery and devastating destruction of sovereign nations by militarism. All of which are financed by the despicable central bank debt system of monetarism. It is perhaps not too surprising or even shocking to find that with one curious exception, the world compassion, as a caring human trait that recognizes the suffering of others and then with kindness or sincerity takes action to help, is not used anywhere in the Old Testament. 

We sometimes refer to humans as Homo sapiens which is latin for a wise man. The fact of the matter is wise people are endowed with the power of reason which allows them to be mentally courageous and actively resourceful. They are probably not obligated to remain mental invalids, ever fearful of shadows and influenced by Machiavellian propaganda for their entire lives. Yet our entire lives due solely to the belief in ideology and some would hold for all eternity in an after life, are spent acceded to an administrative authority with bureaucratic power and control.“And who can doubt that it will lead to the worst disorders, when minds created free by God are compelled to submit slavishly to an outside will? When we are told to deny our senses and subject them to the whim of others? When people devoid of whatsoever competence are made judges over experts and are granted authority to treat them as they please? These are the novelties that are apt to bring about ruin of commonwealths and the subversion of the state.” –  Galileo

I think you will agree that just as there are positive and negative energies. There is a stable kindly benevolent force with values, that serve to maintain everything precious in the world and a malevolent or malignant force that continually tries to destabilize, undermine or destroy everything we hold to be precious. There is a strong possibility, that malignant energy is a scientific fact of life and its malevolent powers are reinforced by continual feeding. It also seems that there are a few deceitful or avaricious people who will naturally align with the dominant malevolent forces in the world, such as FRAUDULENT MONEY or UNSCRUPULOUS VALUES. Perversely employing underhand methods, at the expense of everyone else they become empowered to extort monstrous wealth or pompously rule. Many millions of words and articles are written about the malefic force and its Machiavellian followers, yet the ruthless wrong doing continues to be perpetrated on the innocent.

Galileo proved without any ambiguity, that there are two systems, science or ideology. The world does not need the system of malevolent ideologies that impose bureaucratic fear and with mean, miserable, deceitful duplicity on the other hand, give monstrous favors to a few. As Homo sapiens we are uniquely equipped to take total control over our lives and from the binary with its energy, discover the astounding creativity in every sphere of activity. Like the sun, the family and gold, this enlightened system is science of THE BINARY. The assured freedom and guaranteed prosperity whereby every person in perpetuity will enjoy a destiny of abundant wealth, health and happiness.  “Unity can only be manifested by the binary. Unity itself and the idea of unity are already two.” –  Buddha  563 BC – 483 BC

David Bryan writes about the unequivocal, extra extraordinary revolutionary science of the binary that ends all ideological control, as well as perfected knowledge and scientific thoughts on his web site and Two World Systems by David Bryan is available on Kindle Books.

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