Gold & Silver

The authorities & rulers are telling the public that they must continue to wear their face masks even after they get the “effective” COVID-19 vaccine. The MSM and…

 by Mac Slavo of SHTFplan

The authorities and rulers are telling the public that they must continue to wear their face masks even after they get the “effective” COVID-19 vaccine. Mainstream media and the authoritarian ruling class is trying to convince the public to muzzle themselves permanently.

The country’s first coronavirus vaccinations are now being distributed to the sheep willing to take this thing. The FDA granted the Pfizer vaccine emergency authorization for use, and it’s expected that soon, possibly by this week, it will do the same for the Moderna vaccine. In trials, the Pfizer vaccine was 95% effective in preventing COVID-19, and the Moderna vaccine stands at 94%, both significantly more effective than many scientists anticipated.

If the vaccines are actually as effective as they say they are, why do we need masks? If masks worked, why do we need this rushed, unproven, and unwanted vaccine? No one is asking these questions in the mainstream media, so it’s time we start thinking for ourselves and undoing the years of brainwashing from listening to psychopathic politicians and their lapdog public relations department, the mainstream media.

Both versions of the vaccine require two injections. If you get them both, your chances of getting infected with the coronavirus are likely low. But even if you get vaccinated in the near future, experts say it’ll be months until you can ditch the masks and hug everyone around you.

The main challenge? Studies of the COVID-19 vaccines only measured whether vaccinated people developed symptoms, not whether they got infected. We know that you can become infected with the coronavirus and be asymptomatic, meaning you never develop symptoms. Asymptomatic people can still spread COVID-19 to others. So we don’t know whether a vaccine prevents asymptomatic infections and if there’s still the possibility that a vaccinated person could transmit the virus without knowing it. –GM Today

So basically, you can still get the coronavirus if you get two shots of the “effective” COVID-19 vaccine. And then you’ll be “asymptomatic” and won’t know you’re sick, and could still infect others. So instead of the side effects of getting a cold, those who choose to take the vaccine face severe side effects, including death, that the Big Pharma companies won’t be liable for.

Does anyone still believe this vaccine is for our own good? It’s getting ridiculous that people are still so blind to what’s going on here.

“As long as you have enough people who are vaccinated, then if in the odd chance someone gets infected, there are very few susceptible people to spread it to,” explains Eric Sachinwalla, the medical director of Infection Prevention and Control at Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia.

Just In Time For The Vaccine: A New COVID Strain Has Been Found

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