This. Is. Rich: WHO Director Warns World Leaders Not to ‘Politicize’ Wuhan Virus

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by DCG

Birds of a feather…

After China lied about the Wuhan virus and WHO lied to protect them, this guy has some nerve making this statement.

As reported by Time yesterday:

World leaders must not politicize the coronavirus pandemic but unite to fight it, the head of the World Health Organization warned Monday, reminding all that the pandemic is still accelerating and producing record daily increases in infections.

The comments by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who has faced criticism from U.S. President Donald Trump, came as the number of reported infections soared in Brazil, Iraq, India and southern and western U.S. states, straining local hospitals.

Tedros never mentioned Trump’s name or the fact that he is determined to pull the United States out of the U.N. health agency but warned against “politicizing” the pandemic.

“The greatest threat we face now is not the virus itself, it’s the lack of global solidarity and global leadership,” he said. “We cannot defeat this pandemic with a divided world.”

Read the whole story here.

I got two words for Tedros: The first word starts with “f” and the second with “y.”


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