Pro-BLM St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner refused charges against looters and rioters. Christian Toto: Stars bail out protesters, silent on helping victims. 

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via stltoday:

ST. LOUIS — The more than 30 people arrested during two nights of protests in St. Louis have been released from jail, a police spokeswoman said Wednesday.

The release of the 36 drew a rebuke from Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, who criticized city prosecutors.

Two were released after being issued a summons, eight were released after prosecutors refused to immediately file charges and the remainder were released while police apply for charges, the spokeswoman, Michelle Woodling, said in an email.

Circuit Attorney Kimberly M. Gardner’s spokeswoman, Allison Hawk, said in an email that police only sought charges in “a few” cases of stealing during looting, and prosecutors refused charges because they wanted more investigation. “In an effort to hold the offenders accountable, we need essential evidence from the police. These matters remain under investigation,” she wrote.

Schmitt, a Republican, took to Twitter on Wednesday to lash out at Gardner, a Democrat, blaming her for the release.

CHRISTIAN TOTO: Stars Bail Out Protesters, Silent on Helping Victims. “Steve Carell, Seth Rogen and more mum on helping minority-owned businesses.”

Celebrities couldn’t wait to bail out protesters who helped turn the Twin Cities into a war zone.

The May 25 death of Minnesota resident George Floyd set off a wave of protests which quickly turned violent across the country. Just as quickly Hollywood stars praised the protests, some even cheering the violence that came with them.

Other stars took it one step further.

They opened their wallets and purses for the Minnesota Freedom Fund. The nonprofit helps pay bail for low-income citizens. Among the stars who publicly announced they sent money to the Fund:

  • Steve Carell, “Space Force,” “The Office”
  • Seth Rogen, “Knocked Up,” “The Interview”
  • Jameela Jamil, “The Good Place”
  • Ben Schwartz, “Standing Up, Falling Down,” “Space Force”
  • Patton Oswalt, “Ratatouille,” “The Goldbergs”
  • Janelle Monae, Amazon’s “Homecoming” Season Two
  • Rob Delaney, “Catastrophe,” “Deadpool 2”
  • Don Cheadle, “Avengers: Infinity War,” “Black Monday”

Hollywood in Toto reached out to these eight stars via their managers and press representatives. The site sent the following two questions to each, hoping for at least a prepared statement, if not a brief interview, on the subject.

  • Is Mr./Ms. [Fill-In-The-Blank] concerned that some of his/her donation could help protesters who committed violence/helped destroy part of the greater Minneapolis community?
  • Will Mr./Ms. [Fill-In-The-Blank] be donating any money to either personal GoFundMe pages or groups attempting to rebuild the minority-owned businesses destroyed by the protests?

The representatives had more than 24 hours to respond to the requests. The majority failed to do so.

WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY: ‘Destroying Property Isn’t Violence,’ Says Pulitzer Prize-Winning New York Times Writer.

THIS IS CNN: Antifa Supporter Chris Cuomo All but Lights Matches for NYC Rioters in Despicable On-Air Rant. “Now, too many see the protests as the problem. No, the problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take to the streets, persistent, and poisonous, inequities and injustice. And please, show me where it says that protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful.”

Related: “Well, besides the fact that there are laws against being violent, it’s right in the First Amendment:” “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”


VIDEO: “Protesters VS Philadelphia (George Floyd Riots, Thug Life Edition)”

h/t ED

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