Gold & Silver

The meat shortages are not due to a lack of food, but the government’s commands. The mainstream media is desperately doing what they can to…

y Mac Slavo of SHTFplan

The propaganda and weaponization of the mainstream media is really ramping up as more and more people start to figure out what’s really happening. Now that the mainstream media and elitists have played all their cards, they are grasping for straws trying everything the can to keep us in a panicked state of fear so we are easier to control.

The meat shortages are not due to a lack of food, but the government’s commands. The mainstream media is desperately doing what they can to bring a meat shortage to fruition, but many have already started becoming more self-reliant and better prepared for tyrannical governmental food chain disruptions.

This is not to say the meat crisis and food shortages are not real, but it’s not a reason to panic yourself unless you have no preparations and not a shred of food in your house.  If you don’t know how to improve your self-reliance and have placed all of your trust in the obviously crumbling system, then perhaps you should be concerned.  But most of us are prepared and have the critical thinking skills to provide enough for ourselves.

Take this Yahoo article titled “America’s Meat Problems Are About To Get Worse” for instance.

Of the 2,200 workers tested for coronavirus at Tyson Foods’ chicken processing plant in Wilkes Country, 570 tested positive last week, Tyson told NPR. Parts of the facility have closed for cleaning, cutting how much meat the plant can turn out. And so, for the first time during the COVID-19 pandemic, North Carolina farmers have had to start euthanizing at least 1.5 million chickens, a state agriculture official told the News & Observer, calling the measure a “last resort.” –Yahoo

This assumes the tests are accurate. They are not:

Positive For Coronavirus: Goats and Papayas

We also know Tyson Foods is working with Bill Gates to force extremely unhealthy GMO-riddled fake meats onto the market and that’s likely why they are killing chickens:

Tyson Foods Warns “Food Supply Chain Is Breaking”

Bill Gates & Food Corporations Worked To End Livestock Production, Pushed Lab-Grown Meat

It’s all a part of their plan to panic people into needing to be saved. They will create a problem, then offer you the solution. All you have to do is bow to them and subjugate yourself. Instead, why not prepare? We’ve offered several ideas on how to make sure you’ve got enough long-term food stored so you can learn to garden and become more self-reliant.

Prepping For The Upcoming Government-Induced Food Shortages

If you are new to self-reliance, you aren’t alone, but there are seasoned people who are often all too happy to offer some advice. You won’t be an expert overnight.  Some of this takes years to figure out. You also have to just jump in because your personal situation is unlike anyone else’s.  You need to do what’s right for you and your family.

Americans Are Rediscovering Self-Reliance To End Their Own Enslavement

Make sure you are constantly learning and growing. Becoming more reliant on yourself is a huge first step to killing any fear for good.  You know that you can provide anything your family will need to survive, taking your trust out of the rigged supply chains. Don’t let the media panic you into surrendering your freedom for a pork chop.

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