2021 Doomsday Clock – A Wake Call To Tyranny

Gold & Silver

The 2021 Doomsday Clock has been set at 100 seconds to midnight!

by David Bryan


The 2021 Doomsday Clock has been set at 100 seconds to midnight! 

Because financial, genetic, social, military, nuclear weapon or pandemic engineering do not have a binary to create unity, they produce tyranny. They engineer very little that is of lasting benefit for the great body of people and have mostly compounded distress. Monetary engineering for example has ensured that the central banks issue of unlimited money, has ended up concentrated in the hands of a very few people or corporations. When global wealth and its mega power becomes centered in a few hands, then independent business and entrepreneurs who want to be self sufficient are unable to compete. As a result many millions of people, do not have work or funds to repay their debt. The central bank tyranny is to print the money for corporations or billionaires to buy up distressed mortgages and so they continue to make the rich richer, while many millions of families across the nation lose their homes and livelihoods. 

“Nations are not ruined by one act of violence, but gradually and in an almost imperceptible manner by depreciation of their circulating currency, through its excessive quantity.” Nicolaus Copernicus 1473-1543

Nicolaus Copernicus was educated in the Polish University of Krakow. In the Italian University of Padua and he received a doctorate in canon law from the Italian University of Bologna. Copernicus was not only an acclaimed Renaissance era scholar, he was a gifted mathematician, an astronomer, a practicing physician, a governor, a diplomat and an economist. In his native Poland, he was assigned with the economic task of monetary reform. It is how he developed the Copernican Quantity Theory of Money and formulated what is known in economics today as Gresham’s law. It was 43 years later that Queen Elizabeth 1 of England, appointed Sir Thomas Gresham to rectify the state finances and he famously applied the Copernican QTM.

Copernicus a gifted astronomer and mathematician was the first person to make the astronomical deduction that the earth moves around the sun. It took another 89 years before Galileo famously published his proof of this astounding natural phenomenon. The Copernican Heliocentric System is now a conventionally accepted fact and has completely revolutionized science. 

There is yet another astounding discovery, for which Copernicus will be regarded as the most extraordinary gifted genius to have ever lived. In his book ‘On The Revolution Of Heavenly Spheres,’ he astoundingly formulated the Binary of Binaries. Its remarkable binary is that every shape, every movement and every aspect of life conforms to a sphere.

“These things which I am saying now may be obscure, yet they will be made clearer in their proper place”

  • “First of all, we must note that the Universe is spherical.”  
  • “Everything within a sphere, has to conform with the whole.”  (stable or passive element)
  • The motion of a sphere is rotation in a circle.”  (perpetual circular motion of energy or active element)’
  • “In a circle, beginning and end cannot be distinguished from each other.” 

On The Revolution Of Heavenly Spheres’ –  Nicolaus Copernicus

Energy is the force that determines every motion and emotion. When it is encapsulated within a sphere, energy moves around and around within the Universe in continuous circular movements. The perpetual circular motion of energy within the Universe, explains why nothing can remain static forever, there is continual change. The phenomenon of the circular motion of energy determines all natural shapes and recurring cycles.

It is the reason, why there are no straight lines to be found anywhere in nature. Every natural shape from seeds, leaves, feathers, fruits, plants, insects, animals, fish, birds, humans down to a pebble on the beach has a degree of curvature. The circular law of nature is so precise that to draw a perfect straight line, requires a rule or another mechanical device. Whether we throw an object or lift a glass to drink from, it always moves in an arc. Everywhere we look there are natural cyclical movements. From the planets that continually rotate around the sun, the seasons that recur ad infinitum, the tides, day and night, the inhalation and exhalation of our breath, eyelids, heartbeat and all other bodily functions. Everything corresponds to a sphere and has a circular movement, our eye sockets, jaws and body joints are curved so that they can move circularly, sound moves in waves, etc!

The other aspect of the binary of binaries is that because energy is encapsulated in the spherical Universe and has a perpetual movement, it is always available for use. A binary with energy is the natural requirement for all life in the Universe. To successfully harness energy, requires the binary of a stable, steady passive to fuse with this powerful active. With a passive binary, whatever is required can be accomplished. For example to achieve electricity voltage, requires a binary of passive resistance to fuse with the active electrically charged current. The ongoing search to create nuclear fusion, involves the search to discover the correct energy binary. To create a fire, there must be a fusion of combustible material which is the passive binary with a spark which is the energy or the active element . 

Copernicus was deadly accurate in all his observations and there is no ambiguity whatsoever, the correct binary for every action or activity comes from science and not from an ideology. Providing there is a correct passive, like a well oiled machine, everything is in union and works exactly as it should. 

Ideologies are nothing more than belief-isms and they require an administration! Capital-ism is belief about the divide of capital, monetarism is belief about the divide of money, social-ism is belief about the divide of society, corporatism is belief about a corporate divide, etc. It is totally obvious that ideological divisions such as capitalism, monetarism, corporatism, globalism and even Chinese communism have created an inequitable imbalance that has unequally favored a few with extremes of wealth, power and privilege.  The fact that every activity relates to a sphere, means it has a scientific passive binary and does not require a belief-ism ideology. There is absolutely no need whatsoever to have the imposition of unrealistic ideologies, technocratic control, genetically modified crops, cyber currencies or obscene wealth inequality. In a correct system for the world there should be no need whatsoever for the bureaucracy of a myriad of laws, rules and regulations, political propaganda, rigged markets or pandemic engineering. “To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.” – Nicolaus Copernicus

As the three most precious and essential things in life relate to a sphere, they have a correct binary and do not require ideology. Our three essentials are to have an adequate supply of sustenance, to have the enjoyment of company and to have the freedom to engage in commerce.  There is no ambiguity, it is science and not ideology, each is a sphere of activity and each has a successful binary. The 2021 nuclear doomsday clock which indicates 100 seconds remaining before all sustenance, company and commerce ends for possibly billions of years, can safely be turned back 3,500 seconds and begin with a correct binary!

To have a proficient supply of sustenance depends solely on the ecological sphere. The binary of the sun is the passive that sustains the ecology of the whole world. In a natural cycle, just one single seed from a tomato will produce a plant that generously and prolifically produces sustenance, in the form of hundreds of bountiful delicious fruit and provides several thousand more tomato seeds. In what amounts to a totally mean, miserable perversity of wanting to control this naturally prolific ecological cycle. The seeds from a genetically modified plant are deliberately made sterile and so cannot reproduce to provide a new generation of sustenance. The corporate perversity to control all wealth on the planet, has meant the farmer is obliged to buy patented GMO seeds for the next crop. Two different world systems, a binary in unity with the prolific Universe or the tyranny from all the mean, miserable and perverse ideology-isms that seek to control every aspect of our lives. Only the sun has the correct binary that naturally and freely replenishes, sustains and more than adequately nourishes all life on the planet. It succeeds without any need whatsoever for the intrusion and the perverse corporate tyranny, of genetic engineering or biological engineering designed to modify natural plant life and poison the diverse ecosystem.

To have the enjoyment of company depends on the civilization sphere. It is centered solely on the passive of the family unit and the ethics of family values. The family unit of father, mother, sons, daughters, grandparents, etc., is the correct binary that ensures the whole of society has an assured calm stability and perpetually renews. Family is the binary that connects with emotional energy, it may not always be considered emotionally perfect, yet the family is our most precious and important binary in life. To have a completely stable, happy, prosperous and civilized society, does not require the questionable intrusion and tyranny to control that come from social engineering, religious engineering or military engineering! 

To have the freedom to engage in commerce depends on the economic sphere. When choosing a sovereign binary to be used for money. Gold is indestructible and accepted as monetary wealth everywhere in the world. Gold bullion in the treasury is a fully accountable sovereign asset that belongs to the people. It has existed as stable monetary wealth to provide currency for several thousands of years. As gold is physically indestructible and maintains its value over time, it naturally binds people to activities and structures which ensure they have lasting prosperity. Prosperity which is wealth, health and happiness are clearly not accomplished by the perverse trillions in crony finance that provides corporatism to benefit a privileged few. Proper prosperity comes from a monetary binary that is sovereign to everyone “of the people, by the people, for the people”. 

It is worth repeating. There are two world systems, a sovereign binary in unity with the prolific Universe or the tyranny from all the mean, miserable and perverse ideology-isms that seek to control every aspect of our lives. 

As can be expected from the binary of the people’s own sovereign monetary wealth. Gold is refined, completely stable, equitable and morally ethical for trade and commerce. With its sovereign and other precious attributes, gold as money turns the tables on tyranny and holds firmly in check the pernicious activities of banks, corporations, military, politicians and the deep state to a very strict account. 

The passive wealth of gold as currency is the correct binary to reset a broken economy.  It provides assured stability and an economy in which wealth is continually renewed.  A truly productive and sustainable economy does not require the questionable intrusive financial engineered boom and then the deflationary depression, that comes from the central banks perverse tyranny of creating unlimited money by constantly increasing debt. Crypto currencies are nothing more than a good old fashioned speculative pyramid scheme, a charade designed to draw in money from the unsuspecting. They do not have the binary to create unity. For a binary to guarantee a sustainable and prosperous economy, it must be the accountable sovereign wealth of the people, stored in the nations treasury to provide its currency. As accountable sovereign wealth, the store of gold bullion in the nations treasury can be added to, it can also be revalued and it can be used as wealth to back the currency. 

The sun, the family and gold are sovereign, stable, passive, indestructible and inviolable. The binary of each, the sun, the family and gold, wholly relates to their own respective spheres of activity. They have the binary that are virtually guaranteed to determine the perfect outcome. These three extra extraordinary binary do not require the ideology of bureaucratic control and they are more than sufficient to naturally maintain a flourishing ecology, civilization and economy!  

Success in any sphere of undertaking can be accomplished with a correct binary. To understand the binary of a positive cause that dictates how the natural world works, is by definition the sole purpose of science. “In the order of nature, the cause must precede the effect, even though it appears to follow in point of time, and since every positive effect must have a positive cause.”  –  Galileo

When science is based on the binary principles of the spherical Universe, we untangle the world wide web of confusion. The world resets to the binary of a sphere which provides the foundations for a natural cyclical agriculture, civilization and commerce. 

Farming and fishing work with the natural cycle to produce all the foods we eat. The next generations of farmer, fishermen or women will continue to work with the same land and the same waterways. 

The family cycle and the tradition of father, mother, sons and daughters, is the natural cycle of human renewal by which the entire world is civilized. All generations try to carry on this exact same caring tradition. 

Commerce backed by the monetary wealth of gold, is generally debt free and can perpetually maintain a level playing field that allows equal opportunity for all citizens. As an indestructible physical element, the quantity of gold mined has increased in a similar proportion to population growth. Gold has always maintained its purchasing value and like water or land, it will still be available to maintain the next generations of economic activity. 

When a physical passive binary such as the sun, family or gold conjoins with activity, its stability gives rise to meaningful motion and genuine emotion. Each is a passive with an awesome binary. It appears to be effortless, yet it sustains and nourishes all the things that we truly value in life: “The sun with all the planets around it and depending on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as though it had nothing else in the Universe to do.”  –  Galileo

When we individually embrace the steady, stable passive binary that applies to every sphere of activity,  it will initiate a new renaissance of knowledge which will lead to tremendous discoveries and achievements. A time of enlightenment and creativity in all aspects of education, arts, music, language, societal well-being, commerce, enterprise and all the sciences: “Passion is the genesis of genius” – Galileo

David Bryan is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin and writes about perfected Tibetan Buddhist Knowledge. He discovered that Tibetan Sanskrit scholars along with Galileo and Copernicus, the founders of modern science and economic monetary theory. Did not envisage the need for unrealistic ideologies or a financial, political, corporate and military that have power to impose tyranny on society. Having scientifically proven the Copernican theory that all motion is circular and only circular motion can be perpetually renewed. Galileo was a visionary genius who foresaw the immense opportunity, to develop a much greater understanding of how the perpetual circular motion of energy can be harnessed to scientifically cater for the sovereign needs of humanity: “In the future, there will be opened a gateway and a road to a large and excellent science into which minds more piercing than mine, shall penetrate to recesses still deeper.”  

Just as with his astounding heliocentric model for the world and his quantity theory of money. With a binary that is based on the spherical Universe, humanity can enjoy the calm assured confidence of a flourishing economic and emotionally dignified world. To create this near utopian existence, Copernicus has provided the world with the irrefutable scientific formula of all formulae, which potentially makes all our belief-ism ideological models and their need for devastating nuclear weapons completely obsolete.  

Only the passive of a binary that has unity with a sphere of activity, is absolutely certain to achieve a perfect result. “Unity can only be manifested by the binary. Unity itself and the idea of unity are already two.” –  Buddha  563BC- 483BC

David Bryan writes about this extra extraordinary science, other revolutionary perfected knowledge and thoughts on www.purposeofscience.com and Two World Systems by David Bryan is available on Kindle Books.

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