How can you find the next big gold deposit? Heliostar Metals CEO Charles Funk answers

Gold & Silver
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How do you find gold, and then build a successful miner from the ground up? Heliostar Metals (HSTR.V) CEO Charles Funk, who has a background in geology, sums it up in two words: “size and grade.”

Funk told David Lin, anchor for Kitco News, that successful miners have a team with a proven track record.

“There is a space for experts in this. The hardest thing for the average investor is that it’s very difficult to tell someone who knows what they’re doing and someone who promises the world, it happens in everything in life. I think you have to rely on track records and pick people who have made discoveries and built mines before,” Funk said.

Heliostar Metals is a junior exploration company with operations in Mexico and Alaska.

For information on Heliostar Metals’ latest drill results, watch the video above.

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