Dark Agenda, Chaos, Biden Admin Collapse

Gold & Silver

“By fall, the Biden Administration will be in full collapse.”…

Clif High interviewed on USA Watchdog by Greg Hunter

So, the Democrats are killing off their own voters?  High says, “Correct, and it’s more than that.  They are killing off the true believer class, the activist class.  (There is much more on this too in the interview.)

High also sees huge changes to the political and economic system, and he says, “Dollar, gold silver and Bitcoin are related, and it all revolves around the crash of the system.  This truly is a shift of the ages.  It’s a change of an operating system for all of humanity . . . . The way the fiat currencies are organized and the central banks and so on is fundamentally bankrupt.  It’s not offering anything to humanity, and it is keeping us all down.  It’s being shed.  That’s what’s happening at the moment.  This is going to bring chaos at the level of death of major empires.  There was a little bit of chaos when the British Empire died, but not a whole lot.  I am talking about the level of chaos when the Byzantine Empire died that led into the Dark Ages.”  (There is much more in the interview on where Bitcoin, gold, silver and the dollar are heading and when.)

High also make this prediction for this year and says, “By fall, the Biden Administration will be in full collapse.”


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