Burger King Donating Sandwich Money to Child Tranny Group

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By Chris Black

Welcome to Globo Homo, do you want a chicken sandwich to go with your tranny kid? Strike that. 

It’s gay pride “mumf” and Burger King’s new CEO Daniel Schwartz (check out the early-life section) has decided to go all in, as he’s taking the company in a whole new direction.

What’s that new direction you asked?

 Well, this is both stunning and brave: with each chicken sandwich sold by Burger King, once a serious company, 40 cents will be donated to a child tranny group that wants to force your children to become homosexuals.

Because these are our values.

All the money raised by Burger King is going to the Human Rights Campaign, which has a solid program dedicated to turning your kids intro trannies.

According to modern “hard science”, there are many children who are born in the wrong bodies. When a soul is born in a wrong body, that person is basically trapped and must mutilate their genitals and take hormones as the final solution.

Burger King is following the Science and is taking a huge risk coming out helping to mutilate these “wrongly born” children. 

And this is happening everywhere, not just in the fast food industry:

If there is one thing I think we can all agree on, one thing that can bring us all together, it’s that we need more transgenders in the US Air Force. If we can’t come together around that common goal, then what can we come together around?

If you don’t believe this is a nefarious plan to destroy your children by sexualizing them from a young age, think again. 


Nickelodeon has cast its first-ever openly transgender teenage actor in a live-action show, Sasha A. Cohen, who will be featured in the children network’s series Danger Force. The 13-year-old actor — along with his twin sister Natalie Cohen — will appear on the June 19 episode of Danger Force, according to a report by Variety.

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Why is this state/corporate-powered obsession with transgender kids? 

There is a very clear-cut agenda by the entire government establishment across the Western world to manipulate children into becoming trannies.

Adults who are opposed to the child tranny agenda are now actively being painted as evil. The children will have to protect themselves.

Jonathan Van Maren writes for Life Site News:

In just a few short years, gender ideology has gone from the fringe to the mainstream, with all its major tenets now enforced by the Canadian federal government. If parents disagree with a child pursuing sex change surgeries or hormone therapy, the courts intervene to sideline the parent—and have even required a father to refer to his daughter as his son. Government schools teach gender ideology from the earliest ages, and school staff frequently help children pursue the path to transition without parental knowledge. Those who disagree with this path are labeled “unsafe”—even to their own children.

You should read the whole article.

You wouldn’t think that the establishment would literally promote pornography for kids as something good and desirable, especially with all the research we now have showing that it is basically the same thing as doing heroin.

But what do you know:

Via Center for Family and Human Rights:

A UN agency is again immersed in controversy for a recent report suggesting there is no conclusive evidence that children exposed to pornography are harmed.

The report published by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) addresses how government policy can be used to protect children from harmful, abusive and violent content online. Its conclusion is based on a European study of 19 EU countries that found in most countries, most children who saw pornographic images were “neither upset nor happy.” In fact, the report UNICEF relies on says 39 percent of Spanish children were happy after seeing pornography.

Porn fighters disagree with the UNICEF data. “UNICEF’s report ignores the vast body of research demonstrating the harms of pornography to children. By ignoring the real harms pornography can have, UNICEF is playing roulette with children’s health and safety,” said Lisa Thompson, vice president and director of the Research Institute at the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.

Thompson’s organization, which provides expert research to inform policy decisions to end the sexual abuse and exploitation of women and children, has found that pornography can be a central driver of this abuse.

“Mainstream pornography contains horrific sexual abuse, rape, incest, racism – all of which children should not consume,” continued Thompson, and “UNICEF’s milquetoast assessment of the impacts hardcore pornography on children does nothing to challenge the political narrative that pornography is benign, and as a result, puts children in harm’s way.”

This is obviously intended to be used as a guide, for educators to encourage pornography addiction.

It’s standard – they’ve been promoting this for years now:

Why disaffected young men need more pornography

This article is written by the “usual suspects”. 

Transgenderism” became mainstream as a result of the normalization of all sexual perversion. The story was: “people can do whatever makes them happy.” We were told not to judge others for their “sexual preferences,” as it was claimed that they were “consenting adults” that are “not hurting anyone.”

At some point, sometime around 2015, they started talking about transgenderism in terms of being “born that way.” This was clearly designed for the purpose of applying it to children, so that they could create child homosexuals. 

It is sexualizing children, but they couldn’t come out directly and say “we are sexualizing children,” so they dissociated the sexual dysphoria from sexuality. 

What you have now is something that equates to “this person’s soul is in the wrong body.” Therefore, they are to be injected with hormones to change their bodies, and they may have their genitals mutilated.

The tranny agenda serves a purpose: they are attempting to legalize sex with children by first sexualizing children. They will then later claim that it is abuse of the children to not let them “express themselves” sexually by having sex with adults.

Finally, take a load of this:

He also claimed that trannies fought in the Revolutionary War and both World Wars.

It’s hard to know how to even respond to something like this.

Apparently, things are just going to keep getting weirder and weirder, and there isn’t any point at which people just start laughing.

If we want to be prepared to really take down Russia and China in a world war, we need to be stacked to the hilt with trannies in all of the armed forces.

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